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Extended Validation Security


Save $2800.00 yearly!  Extended Validation SSL security is included with your web site purchase!


As a leading CA, Website Forge has been dedicated to offering unquestionable online identity assurance processes and procedures for over a decade. Now we are among the first CAs to offer certificates that meet the new Extended Validation SSL standard.

The Extended Validation SSL standard sets the bar for SSL Certificate authentication higher than ever before in order to inspire more confidence and trust in Internet users. The standard mandates an extensive process for confirming the identity and business legitimacy of a certified web site.



In addition to the improved online identity assurance benefits, leading browsers will recognize this higher level of certification and display a new style of address bar. The new browser interface does much more than simply display a lock icon: it turns the address bar green and displays a field with the identity of the web site and the certifying authority for the certificate. The new address bar provides the user with a more clearly identifiable sign that this site can be trusted which can result in fewer abandoned e-commerce sessions for certified web sites.




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